Walling. A view from the back. The Yellow stone takes longer to erect than the normal stone. This is because for best result, the contractor is expected to do zero joint i.e. not to have mortar between the stones on the front side as can be seen clearly if you zoom in the photo.Curing. Water is poured on the slab for a certain number of days to harden it.Walling. Internal partitions
Walling. Staircase provisionWalling. Machine cut slim stones for internal partitionsSoak pit. Its a bit deeper and wider than normal because the black soil does not absorb the water very well.
Now the walling continues.
Special thanks to the client for allowing us to take the photos and granting us access every week.
Kariùki Wawerù
PS. Kariùki Wawerù is the author of Kenya’s ONLY real estate book called “The ABC of Real Estate Investment in Kenya”. To have the book delivered to your door step, kindly call +254 723 477 035 or email info@kariukiwaweru.com