What are your Real Estate needs?

The road to owning a house. Week 14 – Finishes part 1

Week 14 .  October 2nd -7th  2017

6 weeks to completion


Water tanks


                                     Plumbing works for both cold and hot water.

The client mentioned that he’s getting crazy deals for solar water heating and lighting with long                                                        warranties. I can share the contacts of the solar guys if you call +254 723 477 035 or email                                                                      info@kariukiwaweru.com or comment here below.

This week the client will continue working on the finishes with the help of the Interior designer Ms. Wamuyu of https://www.wamuyutira.com/

Special thanks to the client for allowing us to take the photos and granting us access every week.

Kariùki Wawerù

PS. Kariùki Wawerù is the author of Kenya’s ONLY real estate book called “The ABC of Real Estate Investment in Kenya”. To have the book delivered to your door step, kindly call +254 723 477 035 or email info@kariukiwaweru.com

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