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Beware of false advertisements.

This morning in a local fm station, the presenter talked about a certain “investment of a lifetime”. Am not really a fun of listening to him but due to unavoidable circumstances, am compelled to listen in as I go to work. This is not the first time he has used the above words to describe a property…I guess he has a standard script and all he does is change the name of the property. Anyway, that’s not the point of this story.
The presenter went on to say several things that I don’t agree with.
1. The distance from the main road connecting the property to the city. Either he under estimated the distance or he was intentional on making us believe that it’s too close to the said road.
2. He talked about the view that this property has in regard to a certain mountain. He led us to believe that the property is very near this mountain. You know, if you were describing a property in Uthiru and you talked about the view of Ngong hills, and another person described a property in Ngong and talked about the same hills…it’s not the same. The property being marketed this morning is equivalent to the Uthiru scenario above.
3. He talked about an Administration Police (AP) post and a police station in the same compound… how can this be? This combination is normally near a chief’s camp and I didn’t hear him mention that part. Does it therefore mean that the rich can buy their own security from two different police bodies? Does it also imply that the area is unsafe?
4. The most annoying part of this advert was when he talked about the price of the houses going up next week by Kshs 1 Million. My question is:
• Does he know what Kshs 1Million is?
• What will have happened in a week’s time to warrant a Kshs 1Million price rise?
• Does it therefore mean that if I buy a house on Sunday, I will be able to sell it the following day and make a cool Kshs 1 Million?
• Are we been tricked into buying “in a hurry”?
5. There is a golf estate 1km away from the subject property. What impact will this massive investment have on the house values in the said estate? Could this be the reason they are trying to sell their houses “in a hurry”.

Email: info@kariukiwaweru.com to book an appointment.

Kariuki Waweru

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