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My new year resolutions

First published on January 2, 2013 In the last quarter of 2012, I attended very many weddings. This year, I will change my eating habits when I go for weddings. I only eat rice and beef but still end up with food poisoning .This year, I will strongly purpose to only take soda when I go for weddings. This way, am sure I will not get food poisoning. I have four other resolutions. Let me list them down:...

Lessons from the butcher

The other day I went to buy meat from the shopping center in my hood. It was an early morning but the butchery was already open. The butchery is very small. In spite of this, he confidently told me that he sell the greatest quantity of meat per day in the entire shopping center. There are a few lessons that I learnt as I interacted with the butcher. Cleanliness is next to godliness. He told me that he...


The microwave is that TV that’s kept in the kitchen. Its normally used to heat food….am sure now we are on the same page. There are a few parallels that we can draw from this important gadget of the 21st century. The other day I wanted to make tea using the micro wave. I pressed 3 minutes and by the time the bell rang, the tea was pouring from the cup. The following day I decided to make tea and this...

The headache of buying an old car

The other day I accompanied by friend to look for a car. He had visited this website where “everything sells” and had taken the contacts of the seller. I must say, am very critical when it comes to second hand cars. Unless I know the owner very well and I have driven the car in the past, I don’t trust that anyone would sell a second hand vehicle when it is in its best condition. With this mind set,...

Banks should not own offices

First published on February 26, 2013 If you have been to Upperhill lately, you will agree with me that the local banks are going “head to head” as they compete to have the tallest and most fancy office blocks. Owning high rise office blocks looks like the “in thing” for these financial giants. In fact, there are certain big banks that have their head quarters in Nairobi Central Business District...

Land trade, an exposition of Leviticus 25

Land as a factor of production is a commodity that can be traded. These are the instructions that God gave to His people and the lessons we can draw from them. Greed Vs Ambition 14 “‘If you sell land to any of your own people or buy land from them, do not take advantage of each other. 17 Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the Lord your God. Greed is discouraged in land...

I don’t want that loan….

When Peter graduated from a leading private university, he was very excited. He knew that the sky was no limit for him. He quickly landed a job with a local bank as back office staff. During the orientation week, the bank manager came to address all the new staff members. He said many good things to assure the “fresh blood” that their dream had come true. He went on to tell them how privileged they...

Who is a Quantity Surveyor?

“I am not a Land Surveyor, I am a Quantity Surveyor” Many times I have found myself responding to people’s question of who I am in such a manner. As a result I have come to learn that though Quantity Surveying is one of the oldest trade/profession in the construction industry, many people have no clue who a Quantity Surveyor is or what he does. Having been trained and working as a quantity surveyor I...

A snapshot of the new land laws in Kenya

Copied directly from http://www.coulsonharney.com/News-Blog/Blog/A-snapshot-of-the-new-land-laws Introduction The issue of land, its ownership, use and management is a highly emotive one in Kenya and was one of the key issues that drove the need for a new constitution. Following lengthy deliberations and a comprehensive public participation process, a new constitution (the “Constitution”) was...

I know what I want. Do I really need a Feasibility Study?

Habida and Joash made a call to me a fortnight ago; the call came from Habida as she was the one I had happened to interact with him in a previous engagement. Joash is the husband to Habida and he happens to work out of the country most of the time. My meeting with Habida was a sheer coincidence where I was involved in the development of luxury apartments for her friend Keziah in the up market area of...

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